About Us
The Wentzville Police Department Blue Line Family is a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization which acts as a support system for Wentzville Police Department officers and support staff and their families in times of need. All Wentzville Police Department officers and support staff are eligible to receive benefits by virtue of their employment with the Wentzville Police Department.
The Blue Line Family’s Board of Directors and company officers developed the guidelines for the impartial distribution of funds to Wentzville Police Department officers and support staff and their families in times of need. The Board of Directors determine the organization's mission and purpose and also oversee the management of available resources, and organize and direct various fundraising activities.
What activities does the Blue Line Family Support?
We provide financial assistance as well as other varying types of assistance to employees and their families in the event:
An employee suffers death or severe injury while performing their official duties
An employee suffers death or severe injury outside of performing their official duties;
An employee’s spouse or significant other (of long term standing) suffers death or sever injury;
An employee’s dependent suffers a death or severe injury;
An employee’s immediate family suffers a death to their immediate family;
An employee suffers from a critical illness or significant surgery;
An employee’s spouse, significant other (of long term standing) or dependent suffers a critical illness or significant surgery.

President - Karen Matray
Vice President - Paul Burkemper
Treasurer - Danielle Bruckerhoff treasurer@wpdbluelinefamily.com
Secretary - Jill Schmitz
Michael Mainieri michael@wpdbluelinefamily.com
David Thurman
Chantel Roth